Friday, August 8, 2014


The Powerful God
By:Albert Gran
It's simply a common understanding without doubt that God is all powerful and his ways past finding out. The ways how God demonstrated his power are not hid by God, such were revealed and declared. When we rightly divide the word of truth you will know his ways expressed in two-fold means. The first is direct physical miraculous demonstration then the second one is indirect physical demonstration through His word. The assumption God no longer intervene in our physical realm is a bit misconception but an issue being taken as a big deal for doctrinal division when scripture was taken lightly and placed as the truth to be implanted in their hearts.
When issue like this is touched and taught in different churches peoples' usual reaction is a dogma upon saying " God no longer intervening at all" or "God left us up all alone for he doesn't care anymore our physical state and welfare. Everytime you hear this judgement as though their notion sounds right for pure grace believers thought a bit unable to understand the way God acted upon in our physical realm.
Traditional thinking about physical intervention is in reality untrue in the first place for the body of Christ today not knowing our present time is viewed as a "spiritual ministration". The living God which the OT people can hear audibly and show signs of physical presence in various modes is in reality not what God did at present. Having considered this fact is a true amendment how God revealed His dealings in various ways. You can't be so sarcastic and be fanatic today to claim God had appeared to you last night and gave you special revelation when you heard his voice.
If indeed this thought is what you viewed God show the same way today then its a fact such idea completely ignores the truth for it doesn't coincide to our present reality.
This is often a question when doctrine of physical intervention is being challenged in the pursuit of traditional perspective. Let's take example way back in Christ's earthly ministry when he fills thousands of men all satisfied with five loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish then who are we to limit God can't do it today if you think He does the same manifestation of miraculous power.
What you hear today when case occur feeding thousands of men is by sharing donations and labor of love to provide the hunger and needy especially when the giver was touched over the needs. People shall thanked the Lord when provisions attaining physical needs was done this way. Paul's making collection from Macedonia for the saints of Jerusalem indicates Pauline way to do service as God intend for Paul to do for the purpose of "Doing Service" as God's stewards.
All these forms of scenarios were Biblical in views of God's declaration of His miraculous power. If you asked the question why will you limit God's power to not do it miraculously same as what he did to the hungry people in the wilderness then understand the point why can you not understand the word of God which matched the condition of present reality how God feed the thousands of men through the means of people in aid of support to the needy. If this reality of world we're living in view of how you think God is active in response to our need then God may not be true to his words at all to use your body as an instrument of service to acquire and to provide service.
This is a considerable thought that our "doing service " in the dispensation of grace is based on the premise in accordance to the riches of his grace. The riches of Gods grace is not being understood in absence of wisdom through idle thought or in view of traditional perspective how God acts upon our physical needs through special miraculous operation. According to God's grace in terms of physical provision did not exclude labor and doing in matters of service. When a man does his labor for spiritual purpose while God's people supplying physical needs is not at all wrong but a realization that's the process how God execute His power according to the riches of His grace. When God's people, the members of the church are all rich in God's grace it is a fact they themselves were all RICH IN GOOD WORKS. To be rich in doing good works provides EQUALITY among members of the church the body of Christ, the citizens of God and called to be saints.
This is the operation that the pure grace believers have to passed on today's generation when they understood the grace of God in their lives. Paul many times intend to elaborate that we have to DO, MAINTAIN, and be ZEALOUS of doing good works as the results of GOD'S FREE GIFT OF GRACE and LOVE through Christ Jesus.

Grace and Peace!

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