Friday, August 15, 2014


By : Bishop Albert Gran

 It’s nerve wrecking, dreadful, and terrible story when you see photos of destruction after war or any assault from any newspaper pages or tabloids. Recently we saw thousands of refugees and evacuees who runaway passing through Pakistan and Iraq mountains with many beheaded innocent children calling justice for crime of genocide against barbaric acts of ISIS who some of them were motivated by false belief due to what seems Islamic religion had taught . We knew this belief had connotation for what they thought divine inspiration from their Prophet Mohamed against their enemies called  “Christians”. When stresses sought for showing any pressing acts against Christians due to motivation and influence of religious doctrines, such account is a repetition way back in the Biblical history between Jacob and Esau in significance of their birthright.

What was important in this recent tragic phenomenal occurrence is our sympathy among many Christians and believers who suffered and suffering. On the other hand, reports of beheading made us felt chilled in the accounts of sufferings people had felt for when they were stricken by this terrible situation.  When you compare yourself enjoying the abundance of freedom with those among whom bound with grief over loss of love ones you might probably be touched seeing the agony of Christians with troubles affecting their lives.  

When you had this kind of terrible feeling what you see and heard around is just an inch of the MOST TERRIBLE situation not heard IN THE WORLD HISTORY, this is called GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY, THE TRIBULATION.  Soon sufferings of people were not only indications of peoples’ evil mind influenced by wrong ideologies however it also correspond God’s pouring out of terrible WRATH against all evils and evildoers. What is tragic is the devastation of cosmic formation to cause destruction against humanity while God’s people, the beloved Israel shall be protected.


Preterists viewed that the tribulation already happened last AD 70 when Roman Emperor Titus destroyed the Jewish Temple. See the history account below in the events of siege:

Beginning April, A.D.70, Forty Years to the Week from the Crucifixion of Christ. The temple was burnt August 10, A. D. 70, the exact same day and month on which it had been burnt by the king of Babylon: Josephus, Ant. b. xx. c. 11. s. 8.     
  1. Romans breach Third Wall May 25 and capture New City.
  2. Romans enter Second Quarter. Jews withdraw behind first wall. May 30-June 2.
  3. Titus' divided attack on First Wall and the Antonia fail.
  4. Romans build siege wall around city.
  5. Romans renew assault on the Antonia. Fortress falls to Titus July 22.
  6. Romans burn gates and enter Temple courtyards. On August 10 Temple destroyed by fire.
  7. Romans burn the Lower City. September 2?
  8. Romans assault Herod's Palace and enter the Upper City. Resistance ends on September 26.
For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

What falls in the history account about the destruction of Jerusalem cannot qualify the veracity of Preterists’ claim this is the FULFILLED prophecy account of the tribulation considering the fact what is written in Scripture regarding the events which shall occur in the tribulation as plainly declared as WHICH WAS NOT SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD, even in the time of Christ, nor EVER SHALL BE (in the future).  Eventually, the point what Scriptures declared HAD NOT HAPPENED in the history of AGES made us believed this IS A FUTURE EVENT and this future tragic event is even worse than NOAH’S FLOOD, the history of OT Battles with Great Wars and Warriors, Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the history of World War 1 and World War 2 and all other history of devastating accounts which brought havoc to our planet.  

We all knew that dispensation of grace is inserted in the PROPHECY OF GOD regarding His plan on earth and therefore we found this prophecy of Great Tribulation as inclusion of the earth’s consummation prior the establishment of His kingdom to mean this great and dreadful day EXCLUDE US MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH THE BODY OF CHRIST.

The mystery of our blessedness in the heavenly plan of God excused us to pass through THIS GREAT  AND NOTABLE DAY TO COME wherein  cosmic objects will turn to disorganize its system (Acts 2:20). When this happen, majority of people on earth wail in pain and travail as though they will suffer more than how a mother gives birth to her child. This is a great tribulation when people will wish and welcome death to happen in their lives.

  Romans 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.


2 Thes. 2:1-2
 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and BY OUR GATHERING TOGETHER UNTO HIM,
That YE BE NOT SOON SHAKEN IN MIND, or BE TROUBLED, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Our consciousness as members of the church today as we see the happenings of worse scenarios around us cannot refuse the discomforting effects of peoples’ evil deeds and what sufferings inflicting believers today really are incomparable when this great and notable day shall come. But as we see the mystery of God’s graciousness and mercy with the consolation of our hope in Christ in this dispensation of grace our hope ENDS IN THE CAUGHT UP EVENT when Christ shall appear on the air to MEET HIM AND SHALL WE EVER BE WITH HIM FOREVER.

 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18King James Version (KJV)

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Two sets of verses in series of Paul’s epistles brought deliverance of hope and promise that the Church the Body of Christ believers were such the living organisms  in the history of humanity who were declared the MOST BLESSED because of THE MYSTERY OF THE GLORY OF CHRIST WICH IS IN US.  When Great Tribulation shall happen BOC is already in the comfortable abode of God in the HEAVENS.

Glory be to His wonderful love and grace.

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