2 Timothy 2
By: Bishop Albert Gran
There has been a great challenge for every grace believer in our times in so far as the truth of the gospel continued to spread out around the globe. Always, the truth today has been placed in several tests. Rightly dividing the word of truth is sufficient for every man of God if calls for mastery in handling God's word. God's scheme through which His call for approval in determining soundness of doctrines through faith, always without doubt our prerogative being His workmen created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10).
Good soldier of Jesus Christ has not find difficulty in understanding God's word in such simple way as taught in 2 Tim. 2:15. Akin to the principle of laboring in word and doctrine, it really needs an effort with hard labor to study, decipher, and believe what it says in His word.
2 Timothy 2 King James Version (KJV)
2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.
6 The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.
The basis and right foundation of our stand as grace believer is to firmly cling on what we received, heard, and seen in Paul. As a WORKMAN OF GOD, common goal set for mastery imbued with hard labor is a real process before we attain our firm foundation about the GRACE OF GOD IN TRUTH.
We must learn to obey God's plan and study how far we've come understanding God's wonderful wisdom he set in His complete word, THE WORD OF TRUTH.
7 Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
Paul's instruction to Timothy is so plain how to show a godly-edifying disposition with a kind of life WHO RECEIVED THE GRACE OF GOD. It's only considering the fact Paul here has only one-single aim, to communicate the MY GOSPEL, THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD in view of an erroneous DOCTRINE OF RESURRECTION as thought and believed to be "ALREADY PAST". This PAST RESURRECTION belief was attested by Paul as a popular error causing trouble among believers during his time.
8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
9 Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.
10 Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
Of course Christ's resurrection was already past when Paul charged it to Timothy, however I believed Paul wanted to point out THE HOPE OF RESURRECTION for the saints in our time which was opposed by Hemeneus. The cause through which Paul suffered trouble, being accused as evil doer for preaching the truth of the gospel so that the ELECT OF GOD (remnants of grace, THE CHURCH BODY OF CHRIST) MAY ALSO OBTAIN THE SALVATION which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
The context plainly not point out SOUL SALVATION, however it pertains to ETERNAL COHABITATION with the glory which God shall give us IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES. Thus, the phrase "WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS WITH ETERNAL GLORY". The saints today will enjoin eternally and will have the glory which Christ has IN ALL ETERNITY.
The context plainly not point out SOUL SALVATION, however it pertains to ETERNAL COHABITATION with the glory which God shall give us IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES. Thus, the phrase "WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS WITH ETERNAL GLORY". The saints today will enjoin eternally and will have the glory which Christ has IN ALL ETERNITY.
11 It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
Our identification in Christ's death shows great significance that we already obtained FORGIVENESS OF SINS (Col. 2:13). We were dead with Him! If we believed that we were dead with Christ (We were enjoined in His death) thus, we will live with him. Living with Christ indicates what life we currently live with promised hope of eternal joy and victory.
Our identification in Christ's death shows great significance that we already obtained FORGIVENESS OF SINS (Col. 2:13). We were dead with Him! If we believed that we were dead with Christ (We were enjoined in His death) thus, we will live with him. Living with Christ indicates what life we currently live with promised hope of eternal joy and victory.
Believer's life is granted and designed with a life of SUFFERING. Thus, "if we suffer" (which I firmly believed also the reality of suffering when Gods workman stand in truth of the gospel with Paul) however, "we shall reign with him".
Somehow there's a point of a workman's life who will live in an unfruitful life and in course of action will deny Christ and will not continue in God's goodness, Christ will also deny him to the point HE WILL SUFFER LOSS but HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED (1 Cor. 3: 11-15).
There's a point of a workman' s life TO NOT BELIEVE, yet HE REMAINS FAITHFUL. Many workmen still were unconscious of God's reality dealing in our present times. As Moses' veil still cover their eyes to not see the mystery of Christ today, yet God's revelation of the mystery, the MY GOSPEL delivered by Paul is clear declaring God's faithfulness whom he promised to the saints today. God's abiding faithfulness is in view of His recent plan and purpose through which God delivered to apostle Paul as in verse 9 "THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT BOUND"
There's a point of a workman' s life TO NOT BELIEVE, yet HE REMAINS FAITHFUL. Many workmen still were unconscious of God's reality dealing in our present times. As Moses' veil still cover their eyes to not see the mystery of Christ today, yet God's revelation of the mystery, the MY GOSPEL delivered by Paul is clear declaring God's faithfulness whom he promised to the saints today. God's abiding faithfulness is in view of His recent plan and purpose through which God delivered to apostle Paul as in verse 9 "THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT BOUND"
14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
God's workman has to be A TRUTH-SEEKER of which his striving aims for profitability. In verse 2, Paul already mentioned beforehand "THE THINGS THAT THOU HAST HEARD OF ME" of which I believed the things we have to commit the same TO FAITHFUL MEN WHO SHALL TEACH OTHERS ALSO. What are form of sound words today are the things designed with Paul or Pauline designed truths. These things are truly TO THE SUBVERTING OF THE HEARERS. Many preachers today GET IRRITATED WHEN WE SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT PAUL'S RECEIVED REVELATION, THEY MYSTERY WHICH WAS KEPT SECRET. I was reminded when this term "subvert" was found in the book of Acts. The troublesome DOCTRINE at this time is about GOING BACK TO THE LAW AND CIRCUMCISION.
God's workman has to be A TRUTH-SEEKER of which his striving aims for profitability. In verse 2, Paul already mentioned beforehand "THE THINGS THAT THOU HAST HEARD OF ME" of which I believed the things we have to commit the same TO FAITHFUL MEN WHO SHALL TEACH OTHERS ALSO. What are form of sound words today are the things designed with Paul or Pauline designed truths. These things are truly TO THE SUBVERTING OF THE HEARERS. Many preachers today GET IRRITATED WHEN WE SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT PAUL'S RECEIVED REVELATION, THEY MYSTERY WHICH WAS KEPT SECRET. I was reminded when this term "subvert" was found in the book of Acts. The troublesome DOCTRINE at this time is about GOING BACK TO THE LAW AND CIRCUMCISION.
Acts 15:24King James Version (KJV)
24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us HAVE TROUBLED YOU WITH WORDS, SUBVERTING YOUR SOULS, saying, YE MUST BE CIRCUMCISED, and KEEP THE LAW: to whom WE GAVE NO SUCH COMMANDMENT:
This is the letter content of which the troublesome religious devout people would want the Gentiles be subjected themselves under the LAW. I firmly persuaded that these people, even the 12 apostles exactly had no idea what's going on with the Gentiles how they themselves also received the blessings of God through the preaching of Paul with Barnabas through which Gentiles' blessings came through the preaching of Christ's DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION.
This is the letter content of which the troublesome religious devout people would want the Gentiles be subjected themselves under the LAW. I firmly persuaded that these people, even the 12 apostles exactly had no idea what's going on with the Gentiles how they themselves also received the blessings of God through the preaching of Paul with Barnabas through which Gentiles' blessings came through the preaching of Christ's DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION.
It point's out the fact that A WORKMAN'S striving words of no profit shall include understanding of GOD'S PLAN THROUGH OUT TIMES in order to address the issues such as RESURRECTION, LAW, AND CIRCUMCISION be placed in the right order of God's plan through out ages and thus below Paul called to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH.
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
The truth of the gospel in the revelation of the mystery indeed already received by Paul when he gave it to Timothy. "The things which thou hast heard of me the same commit thou to faithful men" clearly signifies totality or wholeness body of truth or information causing to have single mindedness in Christ based on Pauline revelation for OUR FAITH and PRACTICE.
There's a chart signifying how come MOSAIC LAW, CIRCUMCISION, PAST RESURRECTION are false doctrines in our present time although these were but all scriptural. There's no chart found in 2 Tim. 2:15, however the context in 2 Timothy will tell how these doctrines are fall short of God's wisdom throughout times.
There's a chart signifying how come MOSAIC LAW, CIRCUMCISION, PAST RESURRECTION are false doctrines in our present time although these were but all scriptural. There's no chart found in 2 Tim. 2:15, however the context in 2 Timothy will tell how these doctrines are fall short of God's wisdom throughout times.
Many today feel irritated when this chart shall be presented a though they want to cover their eyes with open wide fingers. No matter how eyes are covered, the center "BUT NOW" is very clear and open directing your SIGHT.
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