Brother Albert Gran
Rom. 12:1-2; Romans 6:20-23
Any rendered activity for the Lord is a godly service. It's worth since our privilege service is giving glory to our master in heaven the Lord of host, and our creator.
I thanked God for this privilege of sharing the word of God and to have fellowship with one another by His word in order to commune with him in Spirit and in truth. Through this, we could learn His ways and get benefits from His precious words.
We could be all alone, enjoy the world's substance, get into peers' social activities with fun, getting good education to have a degree, land for a job with good salary and spent most precious time in regard to the affairs in this world, self, family and friends. To sum up, it's all about "self-fulfillment and gratification'. It's the way we adorned the beauty of our "selfish life". What about selfless life with God? Selfless life is expressed in simple idea as not regarding yourself in doing service for God's glory. It's in reality accepting your most "self" inconvenience for God's service. This is a strange reality when you begin to embrace godly service (Phil. 1:29). You'll suffer adjustments to the world in general because your life is now attached to the "heavenly call".
Romans 12:1King James Version (KJV)
12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.Let us learn some important words as stated in this verse....
"Beseech" is a plea to put and render something through a kind of important information. A call of urgency, a wake up call, and a challenge. "By the mercies of God", as God had mercy on you. You're not alone, it's how he did and will do something to make you a "significant being" and designed to be special for him. What motivates you to be always in the bottom line of privilege service is God's mercy. God is merciful to us even though we aren't supposed to receive his mercy ( Rom. 3:10, 3:23). The fact of His being merciful was demonstrated by God as it reads in Eph. 2:4-5 when His mercy was given to us. He gave us the gift of eternal life and equipped us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places( Romans 6:23, Eph. 2:8, Proverbs 17:8). The "that ye present your bodies" even requires your body's ability to perform what things yourself can do to conform in the service wherewith God called us to do ( Eph. 2:10). This is our physical body which can be touched by any forms of pains, uneasiness, hurts, weakness, frustrations, tiredness, burdens, heavy loads, weariness, sadness, troubles, afflictions and all negative tendencies all our body could feel.
When you give your life to Jesus, present your "body". Give your body to the Lord for a spiritual rendition of service giving glory to him. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice", this means when you serve God, it's sacrificial in nature same as an animal sacrifice prepared for a slaughter. We are in the slaughterhouse of world's vanity through which our service nature caused to sacrifice for Christ's sake with realities of pain while waiting for our hope. Our walk with God abhors what people seems convenient as they live in much pleasure for self satisfaction which is not to glorify God.
Enrich yourself with God's word (Col. 3:16). This is the ultimate bottom line of our service as believers in Christ in this dispensation of grace following the apostle Paul as our perfect pattern ( 1 Cor. 11:1). Our life shall make manifest the principle of right approval based on rightly dividing principle (2 Tim. 2:15) in view of the all-inspired word of God with accompanying results, building godly life for righteousness sake with establishment and grandeur (Col. 2:7)."Holy" calls for a kind of life as set apart characterizing newness imbued with a godly character nature which is motivated by the principle of grace. Grace believer's life isn't so easy as our life rendition of service is not a matter of debt but grace, meaning our service is a privilege in gratitude of God's grace and mercy giving us peace each day through our Lord Jesus Christ. The "acceptable unto God" is something that God accepts and counts it for future reward (Eph. 5:2; 2 Cor. 2:15). It's by way of keeping the knowledge of truth in view of who Christ is in accordance to the revelation of the mystery causing us to be always triumphant in Christ ( 2 Cor. 2:14). All these things contributes your life into a reasonable service. It's reasonable when your faith in God had its strong basis in accordance to the truth of God under grace void of establishing works under the economy of law. All inputs and outputs characterizing grace walk in this dispensation of grace exalts the truth of God's long suffering while extending the leeway of eternal life's opportunity for the lost human species in our planet.
Another strong reason over this fact of our life service is God's life manifesting in our character-nature with life-giving and life-changing end results. Newness of life is more significant to grace believers in this most recent period of grace. It possessed victorious resemblance of the risen Christ while our existence on earth is in subjection under the reality of vanity.
What else do we value when your life is already valued by God as for Him along the side of your existence in this life journey? Selfless efforts are spent for the cause of reasonable service bringing more people reconciled back to God. He designed us to be His heaven's citizens with greater position than his angels who can judged the affairs pertaining in this life ( 1 Cor. 6:3).
What gives breath to our inner man is spending quality time with God through reading His word, exhortation, and doctrine ( 1 Tim 4:13; 2 Cor. 7:1; 2 Cor. 13:11). We have to learn in our walk with God to continue growing in order to eat the strong meats as God designed for our "perfection" as to remain babe in our life is more insignificant when possessing a baby-like stature for after many years of service still longed and desire for the milk of God's word ( Heb. 5:13).
No matter what cost in this life, as long as you know you're right there in the track of God's perfect plan it's all due to make worth of your life for eternity.
Grace and Peace!
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